TBC News
Message From TBC Team
TBC staff have adapted to combine remote work and time in the office. When in the office, we are working safely and on a schedule. There is an administrator in the office every day and efforts are coordinated to insure we are serving our clients' needs.
Because of this practice our ability to answer the phone, listen to voicemail messages, retrieve documents sent via our website, receive mail, faxes, hand-delivered is not immediate, but we will always reply to you and confirm receipt of your information as soon as we are able.
Please refer to our website as often as you need to for the most up-to-date information and if you have any questions, give us a call. We would be happy to help you by answering any questions you may have!
We remain committed to serving your needs. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Employee Spotlight
✨ We are pleased to welcome Rossana to the TBC Team! ✨
Rossana joined the firm in 2024. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. She provides accounting experience to TBC, bringing over a decade of expertise in bookkeeping and individual tax preparation.
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The following includes some of the most common links used by our clients, as well as other links on our website to provide users with valuable information.