Tax Preparation


When preparing for a tax meeting, it is essential to gather key documents to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Being organized and having these documents readily available will help your tax preparer accurately assess your financial situation and maximize potential deductions. Prepare these materials beforehand to make the most of your tax meeting and ensure a stress-free experience.


Mail-in Tax Preparation Service

Preparing for tax season can be daunting, but with the tax organizer and a comprehensive checklist, you can streamline the process and ensure accuracy. Our tax return organizer allows you to gather all necessary documents, such as income statements, deductions, and credits, in one convenient location. The accompanying checklist serves as a guide to help you track items required for a complete tax return.

Prepare for your appointment with TBC

Prepare for your tax appointment with confidence using the list provided as a guide, that applies to you. This list helps streamline the process, ensuring you gather all necessary documents and information ahead of time. Key items to include are income statements, expenses, previous tax returns, and relevant receipts. Additionally, be ready to discuss any major life changes, business developments, or deductions you may qualify for. By following this list, you’ll maximize your meeting's effectiveness, minimize potential delays, and ultimately enhance your tax preparation experience.

menu_book New Tax Updates For 2024: For more information on new tax updates for the 2024 tax filing season, read more from our blog article.

Personal information

  • Valid Driver License or State Issued ID with photo (new client)

  • A copy of your prior year’s tax return, if you have not already provided (new client)

  • Bank account and routing numbers, if you would like to receive any refunds by direct deposit

  • Estimated tax payments

  • Any IRS/FTB correspondence that you have received

  • Closing Settlement papers (HUD Statement) on the sale/purchase of a home

  • Change of address form, if you have moved

Business information

  • Business Income/Expenses

  • Quickbooks, Quicken, Accounting files

    • Profit + Loss January – December (one statement rather than monthly)

    • Balance Sheet – January – December (one statement rather than month by month)

Forms W-2, 1099s and/or other reports of income

  • W-2’s: Wages from employers

  • 1095-A, 1095-B or 1095-C: Health care information

  • All 1099s: Bring entire statement if multiple pages

    • 1099-DIV: Dividends and Distributions

    • 1099-G: Certain Government Payments

    • 1099-INT: Interest Income

    • 1099-K: Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions

    • 1099-MISC: Miscellaneous Information

    • 1099-NEC: Nonemployee Compensation

    • 1099-R: Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.

Documents for credits and deductions

  • 1098’s for mortgage interest paid

  • 1098 T for tuition paid

  • Sale of Stock Sales + Basis information

  • Rental property income/expenses

  • Unemployment Compensation received

  • Social Security Benefits received

  • Alimony paid/received

  • Child support paid/received

  • IRA or SEP contributions

  • Student Loan interest paid

  • Child Daycare expenses

  • Tuition paid for you or your children

  • Adoption expenses paid

  • Medical expenses paid

  • Property Taxes paid

  • DMV registration paid on vehicles

  • Documents for a purchase of a car/boat/motor home in tax year

  • Inheritance or Executors Fees

  • Donations – non-cash, need a listing of what was donated a when and the value

  • Cancellation of Debt

sticky_note_2 Please note: This list contains the most common items - Additional documentation may be required. If you would like TBC to review your W-4 withholdings, please discuss with your tax preparer and provide a copy of your most recent pay stub.

Sending information for your tax appointment

3 ways to send your tax data to our office:

Option 1: Personal delivery

Option 2: US Mail - No signature required

Option 3: Digital delivery securely

  • Use your customized tax organizer as a guide to determine what to send.

  • We confirm receipt of your data.

  • Your tax preparer will work on your return before your scheduled appointment.

  • When your tax preparer is finished, your return will be reviewed by another tax preparer, and our administrative team will send you the return and signature forms either digitally or by mail. Pickup and can be arranged and coming to the office to sign forms can be arranged.

sticky_note_2 Please note: Send or deliver data to be received by Monday of the week prior to your appointment.

After the tax deadline has passed

Completed your return by the deadline?

Not able to complete your return on time?

Accidentally made a mistake when filing your return?


Quick Access

Important upcoming tax deadlines


💬 Have questions?

We invite you to call our office or directly to your tax preparer for help with any questions that you have.