We understand the importance of having the right information to streamline your business operations, so we have created a library of resources to help assist you with what you need. At Total Business Care, LLC, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the latest and most relevant resources to help them thrive in today's dynamic business environment.
Forms + Information
The following includes forms that have been created by TBC as well as other helpful tax forms from other resources and agencies.
➜ TBC Forms
➜ 1099 Information
The following handouts have been created by Total Business Care and are available for you to use.
➜ QuickBooks Keyboard Shortcuts
Record Retention
In accordance with TBC’s current document retention policy we will retain copies of our work papers and your tax returns for your engagement for seven years. All your original records will be returned to you. We will provide you a copy of the depreciation schedules and tax returns and other pertinent work papers that should be a part of your books and records. After seven years our work papers, files and copies of tax returns will be destroyed.
➜ TBC Recommends
You keep your copies of your tax returns indefinitely.
You keep documents related to real estate and/or stock sales and purchases indefinitely.
You keep all documentation regarding and related to carryover losses, if you have such, indefinitely.
sticky_note_2 Please note: Physical deterioration or catastrophic events may shorten the term during which our records will be available. The working papers and files of our firm are not a substitute for your original records.
Disaster Relief Information
The following links are some places you can view updates regarding disaster relief information.
Web Directory
We have created a directory of links of trusted sources for both business and personal use.
This directory includes federal, state, and local governments along with network business partner’s sites. Each site is continually updating so please visit these sites frequently, they may contain some duplicate information.
➜ Federal
➜ CA State
➜ Affiliates
🔎 Able to find what you are looking for?
If not, would would be happy to assist you! We invite you to contact our office so we may work with you to find the information you need.